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Representation Recommendation: Which Sources of Media are the Best When it Comes to LGBTQ+ Representation?


With various sources of media fighting to get your attention these days, it can seem like a daunting task to consider where you might look to first to get your media fix. Perhaps just as challenging, is trying to figure out which sources of media are the best of the best when it comes to LGBTQ+ representation. From television series to books on the best-sellers lists, to even up-and-coming musical artists, it would seem like the possibilities of LGBTQ+ representation are endless (which is a good thing). The good news is: you do not have to choose just one. Whether it is through film, literature, or music, LGBTQ+ representation in the media can be found across a large spectrum ranging from all kinds of different sources. One question worth considering, however, is which sources of media is LGBTQ+ representation primarily happening?

Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)

While literature and music are certainly just as wonderful as film, it seems that LGBTQ+ representation mainly exists within the silver screen. Having done some research on this specific topic, our findings indicate that the reason for this are based off of three basic factors. The first one being, accessibility. With more people turning to streaming services, platforms that offer LGBTQ+ representation such as Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Max are more easily available across a wide array of film and television series. Another factor that seems to be a big determining one for film being a primary source is the audience itself. When it comes to various sources of media, viewership in the film community resonates with a much larger audience, attracting various members of the LGBTQ+ community and educating those who are not. Statistical reports have also shown that, over the last couple of years, there has been a dramatic increase in LGBTQ+ depiction in film, in comparison to literature or music. In addition to this, statistics tell us that LGBTQ+ representation in film is growing more rapidly in demand as the years go by, more specifically, a 74% increase. 

Film as the media source favorite for LGBTQ+ representation has some advantages to it as well. With more eco-friendly products taking the world by storm, tablets, computers (the one you are most likely reading this from right now), and smartphone devices are being more widely used and are considered to be more preferable forms of entertainment and is, ultimately, better for the environment. Another thing that is worth considering, is how younger members of the LGBTQ+ community (who are often more impressionable) will most likely be watching films to see visual representation of themselves on the silver screen. What is more, is that multiple studies have confirmed that most people consider themselves to be visual learners, proving that film/digital technology is the leading source amongst its competitors. More significantly, LGBTQ+ representation is more likely to gain coverage this way. 

Moonlight (2016)

Lastly, with all of this considered, I would still like to point out something that probably does not need to be said and has already been stated in this blogpost: you do not have to choose. If you prefer thumbing through a good book or turning up the volume to your favorite song, then you have every right to do so. Whether the representation is happening on the silver screen or elsewhere, the point is that representation is being made and that members of the LGBTQ+ community are being recognized in more ways than just one. In my opinion, there is no need for competing forces, all media sources should be welcomed and encouraged across the board. It is what makes the world a more brighter, bolder, and beautiful place to exist in. It only means that we get the lovely experience of getting to live with eyes wide open and that we can look forward to a society that is not limiting us. Instead, the scope seems to be expanding. And little by little, the door to LGBTQ+ representation is swinging over a wide threshold that is welcoming multiple sources of media to the table. This means LGBTQ+ representation is getting to reach more people. So if the table of representation seems too full, do not be discouraged. It just means that we need to add more seats to the table and keep the conversation going all the way around. The rest is still unwritten (or unwatched) just waiting to be discovered. 

Euphoria (2019)

Thank you for your time. See you in the next post!

*None of these images or videos belong to me and were found on Google. 


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